Rabu, 12 Juni 2019
Senin, 10 Juni 2019
Joseph lister award in the 4th Meeting of the International Association for Dental Research, Asia Pacific Region (IADR-APR 2019) at Nov. 28-30 in Brisbane, Australia.
Dear IADR-SEA members:
This year, the SEA Division meeting is being held in conjunction with the the 4th Meeting of the International Association for Dental Research, Asia Pacific Region (IADR-APR 2019) at Nov. 28-30 in Brisbane, Australia. Please visit website:
for further information on the program, exhibition, social events and accommodation services available to you.
The abstract submission will be opened from March 28 to July 1st, 2019. This year we will have three award competitions as follows, please click only “one" award in submission system.
(1) IADR-SEA Unilever Hatton Divisional Award (Senior category)
(2) IADR-SEA Unilever Hatton Divisional Award (Junior category)
(3) IADR-SEA Division/Joseph Lister Awards in Oral Disease Prevention (only by invitation) only for undergraduates students
Khusus Joseph lister award ditujukan bagi mahasiswa, akan diadakan kompetisi tingkat negara untuk mendapatkan 2 pemenang (country winners)
Oleh karena itu, mohon mengirimkan abstract ke erriastoeti@yahoo.com atau j_kusno@hotmail.com paling lambat tanggal 20 Juni 2019 jam 24.00. Tata cara penulisan abstract silahkan melihat di www.iadr-apr2019.com/abstract-submission/
Pemenang Joseph lister award akan mendapatkan masing2:
- country winner 400 USD
- second winner 800 USD
- first winner 1200 USD from SEA Devision.
Sedangkan dr kami IADR Indonesian section akan membayarkan registration fee dan member fee kepada pemenang Joseph Lister award tingkat Indonesia.
Ticket perjalanan dan akomodasi ditanggung pemenang. Tksh.
Salam IADR Indonesian Section
This year, the SEA Division meeting is being held in conjunction with the the 4th Meeting of the International Association for Dental Research, Asia Pacific Region (IADR-APR 2019) at Nov. 28-30 in Brisbane, Australia. Please visit website:
for further information on the program, exhibition, social events and accommodation services available to you.
The abstract submission will be opened from March 28 to July 1st, 2019. This year we will have three award competitions as follows, please click only “one" award in submission system.
(1) IADR-SEA Unilever Hatton Divisional Award (Senior category)
(2) IADR-SEA Unilever Hatton Divisional Award (Junior category)
(3) IADR-SEA Division/Joseph Lister Awards in Oral Disease Prevention (only by invitation) only for undergraduates students
Khusus Joseph lister award ditujukan bagi mahasiswa, akan diadakan kompetisi tingkat negara untuk mendapatkan 2 pemenang (country winners)
Oleh karena itu, mohon mengirimkan abstract ke erriastoeti@yahoo.com atau j_kusno@hotmail.com paling lambat tanggal 20 Juni 2019 jam 24.00. Tata cara penulisan abstract silahkan melihat di www.iadr-apr2019.com/abstract-submission/
Pemenang Joseph lister award akan mendapatkan masing2:
- country winner 400 USD
- second winner 800 USD
- first winner 1200 USD from SEA Devision.
Sedangkan dr kami IADR Indonesian section akan membayarkan registration fee dan member fee kepada pemenang Joseph Lister award tingkat Indonesia.
Ticket perjalanan dan akomodasi ditanggung pemenang. Tksh.
Salam IADR Indonesian Section